On many occasions, men desire to marry a lady who is of a lower status, lets say a doctor, lawyers, pilot or an engineer would wish to marry a lady from such positions as a teacher, a secretary or a model.

But very few would want to marry a policewoman. And from these 10 reasons, you would actually agree that it is just a false perception.
Policewomen are actual a good cloth you can make a wife material from

- Grown up chicks who depend on their own when it comes to decision making when the husband is not their, they are good in both creative and critical thinking
- Police girls are fit and very healthy, good in exercise and can take care of their own weight with less issues
- They are so much trusted, and also winning their trust is so simple and easy, as a man what ealse can you ask for other then this.
- Disciplined and highly responsible, they are accountable and apologetic to their own mistakes. And very willing to reform.
- Police girls are just another nerds of respect and dignity, obeying and know how to follow instructions. As a man you need someone who can just look up to you rather than the opposite