In general, a healthy life is achieved through habits that lead to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. And in this case, sexuality is an integral part of a good quality of life.
A good sexual habit is that practice that protects you and your partner from an undesirable consequence in the future because of a relationship, and in addition, they are all those actions that help you to enjoy sex in an integral way.
Therefore, we offer some tips that will help you lead to full and satisfying sex life
1.Learn to know you.
The sexuality is, above all, personal. Learn to see yourself naked, to know the shapes of your body and how it reacts to different caresses.
In this way you can reach the sexual relationship as a couple with more confidence than you are looking for and with a greater disposition to enjoy, because you will feel less inhibition.
Set limits.
Remember that the sexuality of a couple is a matter of two. It is not only please the desires of another person or themselves.
First recognize your limits and then learn to mark them, so you do not feel that you are doing something because of your partner’s pressure or something you are not sure about.
Continue to educate yourself on sexuality issues as it will not only give you ideas to enjoy sex, but also a sense of confidence and security to know what you want, what you can, what you should and should not do in bed.
The fidelity is a good sexual habits to reduce the risk of contracting to sexually transmitted disease, as well as the emotional connection that you manage with your partner is much higher this way.
Enjoy your relationships with more serenity and create a complicity between the two, which will take them to bed with high confidence, emotion and peace.
In addition to giving you an incomparable feeling of well – being, you will have better breathing capacity, better physical resistance, more energy and energy, elements that serve you well in bed.
On the other hand, it will help you to get better in adulthood and to deal with the hormonal changes that your body will experience.
These tips, in addition to always having an adequate hygiene, as well as the frequent use of contraceptive methods, will help you to fully enjoy your sexuality and that of your partner. Practice them.