The motion sickness that occurs when traveling by car, train, plane or boat –keptomy or movement sickness, according to scientific terminology- is caused by a mismatch between the visual and vestibular systems, the latter related to balance and control space.
In essence, the central nervous system receives contradictory messages from receptors related to body balance: the inner ear, the eyes and muscles and the joints of the back and legs.
The main symptoms are vomiting, nausea and lack of balance produced by the acceleration and deceleration of the vehicle.
In a car, the inner ear detects that we move, but if we do not receive visual information that we are moving – for example, when we travel in the back seat and only see the interior of the vehicle or if we are looking at a screen or reading- , the chances of feeling fatal are great.
And the risk increases if there is poor ventilation, smoke, emotional factors such as fear or anxiety, or even if you inherit from your parents the genes that predispose to dizziness, as discovered by the team of geneticist Bethann Hromatka, of the University of California at San Francisco.
Sitting upright to maintain the axis of vision at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizon reduces the chances of getting dizzy. On a ship, for example, it is useful for some people to avoid looking at waves or other moving objects.
It is important that the cabin is well ventilated and go out to the deck every now and then to breathe fresh air. Excessive alcohol or having eaten long before or during the trip increases the likelihood of having motion sickness or motion sickness.
It is preferable to drink small amounts of liquids and light meals frequently during a prolonged trip, although if it is a short trip by plane it is better to avoid liquids and solids and especially alcoholic beverages and those that contain gases.
By car, the possibility of diminishing symptoms also works if you look at an object that is not moving. Other people try to close their eyes during the trip and try to relax or fall asleep.