4 Sincere Answers To Respond To ‘How Much Do You Earn?’
There are questions of all kinds, those that seem absurd, others that…
If You Could Have A Third Holiday A Week, Here Is The Best Day You Should Choose
Currently, we work five days a week but enjoy (except in sectors…
10 Careers In Kenya That Will Guarantee You A Job After Graduation
As we leap frog into 2018, most of us who are not…
Painter Using His Stumps As A Source Of His Livelihood
Mr. Richard Kithuki suffered unusual birth defect and was born without any…
10 Brave Kenyans Who Don’t Sleep At Work
Each year, Primary and Secondary schools, college and other higher learning institutions…
Hawking Permit ? 10 White Foreigners Who Turned To Odd Jobs For Survival In Kenya
When you go to Rome, do what Romans do! Sp when they…
4 Diseases Caused By Poor Posture In The Office
Although an average workday lasts 8 hours, the reality is that the…
4 Ways To Make Your Profits Profitable
During the first months of each year the companies distribute among their…
5 Ways To Overcome The Shock Of Being Fired From A Job
Many reasons can cause you to unexpectedly be fired from work one…
8 Tips To Prepare Before A Job Interview
Being part of a selection process for a job is already a…
Mark Masai’s Tweet Exposes Tension Of NMG Employees In The Newsrooms
Over the past 5 months, Nation Media Group aka NMG has sacked…
5 Reasons To Take A Master’s Degree Even If You Have A Permanent Job
It's been since you finished your university career. You have joined the…
How To Detect Toxic Employees And Avoid Their Hiring
They do not participate in the dynamics of the company, they seem…
5 Things You Should Know Before Looking For Work For The First Time
Entering the labor market for the first time is a challenge. If…